About Us
MsKingsKitchen “Where So Much Happens In The Kitchen” is the love child of founder and CEO Nicole King. Nicole a Canadian by birth but a Jamaican at heart, grew up quite like many Caribbean children; experiencing the timeless and priceless moments of cooking with her grandmother and parents from as early as she remembers. From childhood Nicole dreamt about having her own Cooking Show. She would come home from school, hoping no one was home, set everything up in the kitchen, then walk on set and welcome her guests with her then tagline “Welcome to Ms. King’s Cooking Show, Lets Cook!” These memories caused her to birth MsKingsKitchen, a dream made reality which was officially launched in February 2019 as she sought to share her joys of cooking with the world.
Our Services

Meal Prep
Indulge in convenience without compromising on flavour or nutrition with Ms. King’s Power Bowls. Each bowl is meticulously crafted and menu selections
change each week. Elevate your meal prep game and fuel your body with wholesome goodness, making healthy eating a breeze!

Let's Cook!
Connect with your friends and family in a fun and entertaining way. I will teach you how to cook some of Jamaica's favorite dishes in real time in your own kitchen. At the end of the class, you will have a meal fit for a King!
Grab a glass of wine and let's start cooking!
Classes are offered virtually or in person.